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As a faith-driven 501(c)3 organization, we are committed to empowering women and child victims of human trafficking by providing safe housing, comprehensive treatment, and long-term support services to help them rebuild their lives.

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Our Purpose

FAITH'S HOUSE is dedicated to providing a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for women and children who have suffered the trauma of sex trafficking and abuse. Our mission is to empower survivors by offering a secure sanctuary where they can heal, rebuild their lives, and regain their sense of dignity and self-worth. Through comprehensive support services, educational programs, and community partnerships, we strive to facilitate the long-term recovery and reintegration of survivors into society, fostering hope and resilience for a brighter future. At the heart of our work lies a steadfast commitment to creating a world where every individual is free from exploitation and has the opportunity to thrive.

The Problem

*Recent studies suggest that the official statistics significantly underestimate the true extent of sex trafficking, indicating that the number of victims may be more than double the official reported numbers.

Our Solution

For three years, I found myself trapped in the horrific world of sex trafficking, right in the heart of Saint Louis, MO. The path to recovery was an uphill battle, demanding extraordinary resilience and sheer determination. But through this grueling journey, I discovered strength, faith, and a profound resolve to transform my hardship into a beacon of hope for others.


Today, I invite you to join us in a groundbreaking mission that is both deeply personal and transformative: the FAITH'S HOUSE PROJECT. Our ambitious yet crucial goal is to provide long-term sanctuary in Saint Louis, MO, for 18 women and 7 children who have survived the trauma of sex trafficking. This refuge will offer them a safe and secure environment where they can heal, grow, and rebuild their lives.


To bring this vision to life, we must raise $2.4M through donations and $20M through investment partnerships. This significant figure encapsulates the magnitude of our mission and the transformative impact we aim to make in the lives of these survivors. Your contribution will play a pivotal role in making this beacon of hope a reality. Together, we can create a safe haven for those who need it most.

Faith's House Project

FAITH'S HOUSE PROJECT is not merely a sanctuary; it's a pioneering model of sustainable support. As part of our mission, we're aligning with developer and investment partners who share our commitment to effect meaningful change. These partners will undertake the construction of a multi-family development, wherein FAITH'S HOUSE will operate in a dedicated and private section.


The larger multi-family development, while operating independently, is an integral part of our innovative model. Designed to cater to the increasing demand for millennial housing, a portion of its revenue will be dedicated to ensuring the continual operation and sustainability of FAITH'S HOUSE. This model tackles the significant challenge of securing long-term housing for survivors.


Through this symbiotic relationship with the larger development, we can offer a sustainable solution to the significant costs associated with providing comprehensive, long-term care, which currently stands at $1.4M annually for 25 survivors.


Our vision extends beyond just one development. This unique model holds potential to be replicated across the nation, thereby providing refuges for survivors on a much larger scale.


To realize this transformative vision, we are aiming to raise $22.4 million. This sum includes $20M from investors for the construction of a single multi-family development and an additional $2.4M in donations to establish and operate FAITH'S HOUSE for the first year.


Every contribution, regardless of its size, helps. Your generosity will go towards constructing FAITH'S HOUSE, furnishing the apartments, and providing essential support services for the women and children who will live there. Each donation and investment brings us closer to offering a safe haven for survivors - a place where they can reclaim their dignity and hope.


With your support, we can make this vision a reality. We can change lives, provide hope, and rewrite futures for survivors of sex trafficking. Please consider joining us in this mission. Your contribution could be the lifeline that forever changes a survivor's life. Together, we can make a difference.


Sarah Bundy


Meet Our Team

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Founder & CEO



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Board Member



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